_drjayphd_ t1_ivwa7zf wrote
Reply to comment by Available_Writing991 in Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
Probably because they think they would be on top of the food chain. More often than not they'd be sorely mistaken.
_drjayphd_ t1_ivui3vq wrote
Reply to comment by pahnzoh in Free Staters might actually have *more* legislative control now in the state House thanks to the even split? -- Brown said. “So the narrow margin had the effect of actually creating a budget that was farther to the right.” Could get interesting. by AMC4x4
Psst: you're not anti-state, you're anti-"we're not running the state".
_drjayphd_ t1_ivmu2cp wrote
Reply to comment by wickedhip in Where to find Election Results by SgtToastie
What spices go well with crow? Asking for the regularly downvoted gang in this subreddit.
_drjayphd_ t1_ivjvvla wrote
Reply to comment by akmjolnir in I-89 or I-91/93? by philly1750
I-81 in Virginia was pretty scenic but there was just so. much. Virginia. Then add in the fact that truckers take that route between Canada and Tennessee instead of using I-95 as a north/south route and you don't really get a chance to appreciate the terrain.
_drjayphd_ t1_isux8mr wrote
Reply to comment by Stickyfynger in Has anyone else caught a fall cold lately? NH seems like it's lighting up at the moment. by deadpeasant2
I feel like it'd be a lot more understood nowadays, especially considering the decrease in other illnesses back when we were doing that.
_drjayphd_ t1_isux3k6 wrote
Reply to Has anyone else caught a fall cold lately? NH seems like it's lighting up at the moment. by deadpeasant2
I'm working through one myself, apparently only getting a couple of hours of sleep a night for an extended period of time, paired with sleeping next to an open window when it's cold, isn't conducive to avoiding colds. At least it wasn't the rona, still managed to avoid that this whole time.
_drjayphd_ t1_is5wk5o wrote
Reply to comment by adepssimius in Anyone else going insane from political ads? by whoisdizzle
And isn't that pittance from YT Premium still more than they'd make off the ad revenue?
_drjayphd_ t1_iwm9i1x wrote
Reply to comment by musicdude2202 in Republicans' margin in N.H. House shrinks again, after recount flips 2nd seat to Dems by rockonritalin
>Are you seriously advocating for 3rd term elective abortions?
Yes, and I'm sick of pretending we need to say no. They're so incredibly rare that the only reason to ban them is to grease the skids for further restrictions. The vast majority of abortions that far in are because the fetus isn't viable, is already deceased or is endangering the health of the mother.