
a679591 t1_ja3emwy wrote

>I expected headline to be 'Florida city opens nature preserve for development after citizens saved it.'

They added the developer part which changes the entire sentence. Makes it seem like Florida City opened it to developers after the citizens saved it from becoming a nature preserve.

The actual headline states that the citizens saved a nature preserve from getting developed and the city opened the nature preserve.


a679591 t1_j01ukwn wrote

But it's not about how many mortgages you end up getting, it's about not reading. Yes the other reply was out of the norm, most people will have maybe 3 mortgages in the ir life, but that doesn't mean you don't do the research on it and read the document.


a679591 t1_j00a27n wrote

Most people don't have the patience to learn about this stuff or read the fine print. We've become so accustomed to blindly clicking to accept the T&C that we don't even think twice when signing a mortgage. Look at credit cards, loads of people don't learn how to use them or read the fine print, then are shocked when their apr is stupid high after missing a payment. So many people are in such a rush that they won't take the time to focus on a major decision like buying a house.