
aRVAthrowawayy t1_jd31yen wrote

Dropbox links can be set by the owner to allow anyone with the link to view or only allow specific people. I guess it depends on the document; if intended for the jury then the prosecution wouldn’t have all their email addresses to set permissions.

Local news reporting now so point is sort of moot from my civilian perspective. Still, if this is declared a mistrial despite the glaring issues the video shows, it’s gonna be a new can of worms.


aRVAthrowawayy t1_jd30c77 wrote

Well isn’t that scummy and corrupt, the video speaks for itself. There was obviously zero need for it to be leaked. Looks like the prosecution is allowing activism to take priority over due process. It’s like they want a mistrial.

Wonder if WAPO is in the habit of just snooping at random Dropbox links. I bet they were tipped off. Unbelievable that this got to National news before our own local.

Edit: I’m not mad the video got leaked, I’m mad about how it happened.
