a_bearded_hippie t1_jdryd9m wrote
Reply to comment by JonLongsonLongJonson in Incision in my arm that doctors left open for 2 weeks after a surgery. by soapboxingdaychamp
I literally wouldn't have been able to do that 😔. Fuck me I hope you are good now. I cut my hand pretty deep so I could see tendons and I passed the fuck out so hard, pissed myself and all. Woke up on the floor with my coworkers saying they called an ambulance lol.
a_bearded_hippie t1_j7nmvo0 wrote
Reply to Thunder Thunder by Rainsdrop
Used to get me so fucking hyped as a kid when I'd hear this 💪
a_bearded_hippie t1_iracz0c wrote
Reply to [OC] Jasper, CA [1536x2318] by Hwanderer8
Took a road trip with my grandparents when I was like 12? Jasper is the one place I remember being like holy shit this is stunning.
a_bearded_hippie t1_jdrzd4p wrote
Reply to comment by JonLongsonLongJonson in Incision in my arm that doctors left open for 2 weeks after a surgery. by soapboxingdaychamp
Funny how the body is like "yea, not worried about that right now lol". Learned that day that I do not enjoy seeing what should be inside of me on the outside. Hope you are doing alright though for real.