
abcxyztpgv2 t1_j8w0qd3 wrote

Can you figure out centre of a complete eclipse balloon? Big bang is that tiny fraction of second between zero air in Balloon to perfect eclipse balloon. And it's not done yet. It's still blowing outwards dominated by dark energy. Think of galaxies as polka dots on balloon when their is no air. Now with a air filled balloon those dots are light years apart. It's not a 100% accurate picture as it's missing gravity and why some galaxies are bound to be merged whereas others drift apart. But it's a good imagination to clear your head that there is no center. Air is filled in the balloon everywhere at same time.


abcxyztpgv2 t1_j8b9nny wrote

While this is fantastic news that we are tracking such small objects and their impact, it will raise fear in people. I usually tell them, have you seen those meteor burning tails all the time on clear skies. Sometimes multiple tails. Their answer is surprised face.

It's so common that you ignore it most times.


abcxyztpgv2 t1_j87xf0h wrote

Snippet to answer your curiosity:

It is commonly thought of as the lowest temperature possible, but it is not the lowest enthalpy state possible, because all real substances begin to depart from the ideal gas when cooled as they approach the change of state to liquid, and then to solid; and the sum of the enthalpy of vaporization (gas to liquid) and enthalpy of fusion (liquid to solid) exceeds the ideal gas's change in enthalpy to absolute zero. In the quantum-mechanical description, matter (solid) at absolute zero is in its ground state, the point of lowest internal energy.

Quantum gas goes below absolute zero


abcxyztpgv2 t1_j7jh1kn wrote

Water is best sound suppression method. Concrete won't last long. Walls won't last. Not extensible. Not reusable for multiple launches. Can get cracks. Can blast and hurt rocket. Remember Colombia incident of 1 tiny tiny thing led to disaster. Water is best option.


abcxyztpgv2 t1_j7cxaxh wrote

Your answered your question with one word "believing". Sorry mate science isn't believe. Yes there is probability of aliens. We have equations like drake. But and this is big but - we haven't found one. Maybe it's as we want it to see. Maybe they have observed our solar system and are debating if Venus, earth or mars has life?