
achillymoose t1_je4y42n wrote

They pay wages two weeks after I perform the work. At no point in time will I ever be in their debt. Not to mention, the fat cat who employs me takes the vast majority of what I produce, so if anything, my employer owes me those unpaid wages.

And no, I'm hourly, so I'm not under any contract to show up to work ever. My boss can hope every morning that I'll be willing to show back up, and that is entirely dependent on how the previous days went.


achillymoose t1_j5nmqm0 wrote

Civilization has gone on for millenia without the internet. I'd trade the internet for a sky full of galaxies in a heartbeat.

>If we want cheap and accessible information worldwide

I, for one, could care less about this. I don't think the people of third world countries are missing out by not having Tik Tok
