
aliquotiens t1_j4q73p0 wrote

Internalized misogyny, most likely.

Although it’s possible that the books you’ve tried written by/for/about women mostly aren’t your style. I dislike entire genres that often have girls and women as protagonists, like romance and most of the newer fluffy/fanfic style YA books.

Or you could just have encountered a lot of very poorly written women characters. That’s definitely a huge issue in literature. Though I find it’s most often male writers who struggle to write female character that are at all believable or fully developed.

I’m a woman (though I have autism and feel more non-binary/gender neutral than I do feminine) and I don’t find a lot of female characters ‘relatable’ per se - but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying plenty of fiction written by women, and books with female characters.

Some of my favorite fiction writers who are women: Ursula K LeGuin - Madeleine L’Engle - Margaret Atwood - Toni Morrison - Zadie Smith - Agatha Christie - Octavia Butler - Willa Cather - L.M. Montgomery - Dodie Smith