The article should still piss you off. You think cops don’t get charged at with knives and machetes across the globe? It is still only this country where more often than not it will result in the police killings someone. We have a grave problem with cops killing the the folk they are supposed to be protecting and serving. We are constantly looking for ways to justify our police fucking killing citizens. There is just zero capacity to deescalate anything at any point.
aluck119 t1_ira6foc wrote
Reply to comment by Minx-Boo in Detroit police fire 38 shots in 3 seconds, killing Black man by UnitedPatriot65
The article should still piss you off. You think cops don’t get charged at with knives and machetes across the globe? It is still only this country where more often than not it will result in the police killings someone. We have a grave problem with cops killing the the folk they are supposed to be protecting and serving. We are constantly looking for ways to justify our police fucking killing citizens. There is just zero capacity to deescalate anything at any point.