
amcfatboy t1_itt233m wrote

God it sounds like they’re going to ruin it The Handmaid’s Tale style. That book was haunting because of the hopelessness. Ishiguru’s books are about people’s need to serve at their own expense, not rebellion.

“In every endeavor, we care about this so much, and this is what fascinates me about people and it touches me about people,” he said. “It moves me about human beings, in (their) struggle to do something that they think will bring them dignity and pride and a sense of self-worth. And so I often show people in service because that is such a huge part of who we are.”

His books are about serving a master’s will and not standing up for other’s or your own safety or freedom, in order to serve the ‘greater good’ of society, which is the tragedy. If they pay lip service to that, and then turn it into a hero chase, catch and release show like ‘Handsmaid’ I’ll throw up.