A lot of food goes bad, well when i was young and used to work in the bakery department in a canadian store, i would throw up to two full carts of food in the trash compactor every day. Most of it was still edible but we had to follow the expiration dates no matter what. I asked once why they didnt donate it and they told me that if someone would get sick from it they would get sued.
We had cakes that would “expire” while they were still in the freezer, and i would just call over some of the employees and eat that thing behind a garbage bin like racoons, since we weren’t allowed to eat the food that we were throwing out. It was still perfectly edible and fresh to be honest, but we had to follow those sticker dates.
anbelroj t1_ja8c4px wrote
Reply to ELI5: why do grocery stores in the US keep such a large inventory? Aside from being prepared for episodic panic buying like toilet paper or bottled water, is there an economic reason to do this? How much of the food ends up going bad? by DrEverythingBAlright
A lot of food goes bad, well when i was young and used to work in the bakery department in a canadian store, i would throw up to two full carts of food in the trash compactor every day. Most of it was still edible but we had to follow the expiration dates no matter what. I asked once why they didnt donate it and they told me that if someone would get sick from it they would get sued.
We had cakes that would “expire” while they were still in the freezer, and i would just call over some of the employees and eat that thing behind a garbage bin like racoons, since we weren’t allowed to eat the food that we were throwing out. It was still perfectly edible and fresh to be honest, but we had to follow those sticker dates.