
animal_moth3r_ t1_ixs75oh wrote

My s/o grew up here. Not a fan of the social elitism that runs this town. Her mother tried to tell me today that i shouldn’t buy a certain outfit because i “wouldn’t want to be seen wearing it around town” i laughed and told her i felt bad for her. It must be such a burden worrying what other folks think about you. I also feel bad for those assuming they know what kind of person an individual is because of where they sleep at night. Closed minds are responsible for the state of the world, its a shame really.


animal_moth3r_ t1_ixqxgo3 wrote

The homeless community in this city can be some of the most clever resourceful survivalists around. Its not like they get shipped to LA for the winter. Many homeless people have been homeless for quite some time, and believe it or not there is a sort of order within their own community. I’ve encountered homeless that prefer the lifestyle they’re living.


animal_moth3r_ t1_ixe80vm wrote

People definitely hate cops that much…spend some time in the communities that are harassed by the police and you’ll learn that very quickly. Having been the subject of harassment/brutality/profiling myself, I still try to give most cops the benefit of the doubt because I believe in humanity. I am proven wrong a discouraging amount.