
answersplease77 t1_je5dr2n wrote

If you think all religons don't hold people equal and accountable in front of God, and don't mandate people to oppose injustice, and just follow orders of governments, then you can join the religons which these governments promote.

In these countries, much like all dictatorships in the world, their religon is to glorify their leaders and governments. It's a shitty version of religon basically state religon is to control people, take their money, and stay in power. These governments created a whole new sector in Islam of clerks who worship the government and king, and they pay each of the state clerks or priests hundernds of millions of dollars to promote and preach nothing but propagonda and praises for the government. Just like how the catholic church controlled rome in the 18th century. This is the only type of religon these governments love.


answersplease77 t1_j5acgh9 wrote

but the police and courts are controlled by corrupt officials from the top of government. In democracy they let them speak and criticize government and find corrupt officials accountable. Here you only have Modi ass kisser goverment officials, 30+ refused to be interveiwed for saftey, people afraid and speak anonmously with changed voice, and journalists and police who spoke about the corruption were jailed for life and killed like this documentary showed. This is like any other repressive regieme. Absolute freaking shame what India has become


answersplease77 t1_j54srn4 wrote

How do they seriously still call India a democracy? Their courts and police are run by a group of corrupt far-right ultra hindu nationals who are in charge of the country? They issued citizen law which plainly discriminated against Indian muslims, they repeatedly called for genocide against them as well as destroyed their houses and took their lands. Numerous reports of rapes and crimes against Indian muslims have not seen justice. What happened to that journalist who stomped on the body of a muslim man who was protesting police from taking his land?