I’m assuming you’re reading it in English? In Spanish it’s a bit of a harder read because of the archaic language but that doesn’t take away from the amazing story! I had to read it in grade school so I guess I bare the scars of being forced to read it but I have definitely learned to appreciate it more as an adult.
Most dystopia if not all is in the realm of sci-fi. I found it as recommendation when looking for sci-fi books so, idk. Someone must’ve thought it was sci-fi. I do see in what I’ve read how it definitely aligns with some fantasy tropes though.
As for what you say about story: that makes some sort of sense. Using the second person narrative that makes me uncomfortable puts me in her shoes literally. It’s a great story device. Still, just couldn’t muster the interest in the book.
Don’t really know what’s popular honestly. Just saw the book on the recommendations and the blurb seemed interesting. I was looking for some sci-fi stuff to read.
apocalypschild t1_ja9jgnu wrote
Reply to Self Portrait, Me, Photographic Composite, 2023 by katewhytephoto
I can’t get over the amazing gradation of the contrast. Amazing work!!!!