
aspenfrank30 t1_iy8qzh3 wrote

Last year, I had a full on panic attack, weeping sobbing, choking on spit moment on my way to work. A fucking tourist (and I don't normally say "fucking tourist", I do like most of 'em) would not leave me alone. They asked if I was okay. Ok, fine, you're nice. I said yeah. Kept sobbing. Asked if I was sure. I said yeah. Offered to get me someone. I said, I am fine. Finally, snapped, told them to fuck off and they went back to their wife complaining about rude locals.


aspenfrank30 t1_iqr4h3u wrote

I had a wiener dog growing up and her paw got stuck in one of them. Since then I refuse to let any dog walk on them.

Edit because this got me looking at old pics at my mom's place. RIP Ruth, you were a real good dog. Don't worry folks, she went quietly in her sleep at 19.