asterix108 t1_iy2klo3 wrote
Reply to Artist recommendations by lazyy_visionary
Black & White - Atomic Blue
From Here - coldroses
asterix108 t1_iy2g533 wrote
Reply to comment by Br00t4lBuddha420 in What music helps you relax the most? by Less-Pain-1212
In what world is death metal relaxing?...You do you I guess?
asterix108 t1_iy2g2e7 wrote
Reply to What music helps you relax the most? by Less-Pain-1212
An album called 'Songs From A Secret Garden'
Also Bruton Music! I'm not that old but once I found it I was hooked. It's the type of instrumental music they'd play in grocery stores back in the day, or so I'm told. Very nostalgic.
asterix108 t1_iy2fu04 wrote
Michael Jackson. The man was a genius. I'm surprised nobody else chose him.
asterix108 t1_iy769a9 wrote
Reply to What band/album/song did you originally skip but later found out was great? by [deleted]
Aja - Steely Dan
Never understood the praise this band received until I did some research.