
bajajoaquin t1_jeez88e wrote

Don’t know why you were downvoted but you’re spot on. It’s extra drama introduced into the movies that isn’t in the books. In the original, Aragorn declares his ancestry, and that the curse would be lifted if they go to battle with him. They accept and go.


bajajoaquin t1_jebpwkf wrote

One of the things you touched on but didn’t explore a lot is the idea that a lot of this is really driven by marketing rather than politics. The smith and Wesson ad was mentioned and now the new Springfield saint victor ads.

A two pronged thought/ question then. Is there similarity in how the soda/junk food/ beer industries market to the biggest users and the way gun makers are marketing ARs? Is the imagery being used of the lone “operator” driving resolution of some problem driving mass shouting?
