
bdone2012 t1_j77fwsm wrote

I'm not sure you were serious but from my little understanding, shorting stocks can be a bad idea. Normally when you buy a stock the theoretical worst case scenario is that it winds up worth nothing.

When you short a stock it's the opposite, meaning that theoretically it could go up indefinitely. I'm not sure exactly how the numbers work out but let's say you short Netflix and it somehow went up 10x you'd now owe a lot more money than the amount that you originally shorted them for.

So by accident you could potentially go into debt when you thought you were shorting for an amount that you could reasonably lose.


bdone2012 t1_j1uhhx6 wrote

People do go chill in the Niagara falls city on the canadian side. There's pretty nice casinos and vineyards nearby. It doesn't have the wow factor of Vegas but it's better than Atlantic city for the most part.

That's a pretty rough day trip though. It's an 8.5 hour trip. I've taken plenty of overnight bus rides in my day, some more unpleasant than others but 17 hours on a bus in a day is pretty long unless it's a really nice bus. Unless you mean they sleep there for one day.

But I could also name over 10 cities to visit for foreign tourists that they'd find interesting though. Not saying Niagara is a bad choice, but for the cost of the bus they could probably get to new Orleans for example.

For cities: NYC, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, Portland, Nashville, Miami, New Orleans, Austin, Savanah, Charleston, Asheville, DC, Las Vegas, Boston, St Augustin, Tucson.

I'm even missing some places I haven't been such as Seattle. And if you add in Canadian cities you have Montreal which is very cool about 5 hours away. Toronto is cool and I imagine Vancouver is great but I haven't been. You can also get down to Mexico really cheap as well. For example flights to cancun are always surprisingly cheap in comparison to flights to Mexico city. From there you can hop onto a bus to Mérida which is a great city.