belac889 t1_j6p1xzf wrote
Reply to comment by bongokhrusha in What do you guys think is the best episode of TV ever made? by AnEmbarassedRedditor
Every time one of the characters in the flash-sideways got their remembrance montage I turned into a blubbering mess. Especially with Sun/Jin and Sawyer/Juliet.
belac889 t1_j2be09l wrote
Reply to comment by WhatsWithThisKibble in TV shows with similar premises where one show is much better than the other by mranimal2
Alexis's growth is so well done. I think the last season was fairly weak in comparison to the rest except for Alexis's story with Ted. They knocked that one out of the park. (Closely followed by that Stevie/David scene from one of the final episodes)
belac889 t1_j2b79fq wrote
Reply to comment by BosephusPrime in TV shows with similar premises where one show is much better than the other by mranimal2
I think they're similar for the first half of the first season, but it quickly becomes obvious that AD is about people with, well, arrested development. While SC is about everyone growing. And then they quickly diverge from there.
belac889 t1_itizb0v wrote
Reply to comment by thatguywiththe______ in Characters who get a spin off, that spin off ends, and they come back by squirrrles
Angel last season started after Buffy ended and even brought in a main character from Buffy.
belac889 t1_j93q08v wrote
Reply to comment by lolothescrub in The last episode of Stranger Things is 2 hours and 30 minutes long. Is there any other episodes of shows with similar or longer running times? by CWJMajor19
The Lost finales were always two hour time slots, but occasionally the episode before the finale was technically part 1 of the finale, those being Exodus and There's No Place Like Home (which both are split into three parts). Making them a little over two hours without commercial
The rest were just the normal two hour finale that would be a little under 90 minutes without commercials (these ones are sometimes edited as one episode or sometimes split into two parts, there is no consistency on streaming services).