
beta_vulgaris t1_isz27lu wrote

I’m over 30 and have taken classes there. I certainly wasn’t the only one either. I mentioned the studio time & other things because you seemed to want to socialize as well, getting more involved in an artistic community is a way to do that. Sorry for responding to your question, I definitely won’t do it again.


beta_vulgaris t1_isvj0zi wrote

AS220 doesn't currently offer drawing classes, but their workshops are definitely the atmosphere you're looking for. You can become a member there and book studio time once you're familiar with how to use the space and tools. They also have a restaurant, gallery spaces with rotating shows, and a black box theater.


beta_vulgaris t1_is7zugw wrote

It would be cool if we could green light this type of infill housing without neighborhood input. I know that sounds bad, but all anyone ever says is “what has worked in other neighborhoods couldn’t possibly work in this particular neighborhood because of these very reasonable reasons specific to this special and unique place” and then nothing ever gets built and property owners sit back and watch their equity increase while people sleep in tents along the Seekonk.


beta_vulgaris t1_is7xwr7 wrote

Providence needs to get comfortable with building tall. With the demand for market rate housing in this neighborhood they could have tripled the height, dedicated 1/3 of the building to affordable units, and still turned a profit easily. That said, I’d rather see 41 market rate renters get their housing here rather than gentrifying 41 units of triple decker housing off Knight Street.