bflaminio t1_jdmshpq wrote
Reply to comment by speashasha in Bring Back Firefly! by oldandopinionated
Not too long for Firefly:TNG ...
bflaminio t1_jdfkajs wrote
Tom Selleck's commitment to Magnum PI prevented him from taking the role of Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
bflaminio t1_j6ni4xc wrote
Reply to comment by Tech_geek23 in Traditional Savings vs HYSA Savings by Tech_geek23
There are advantages beyond monetary for doing so. I use Schwab Bank for most of my banking, and it is linked to my Schwab Brokerage account. My e-fund sits in the brokerage account, invested in a money market fund. It doesn't pay quite as much as the better HYSAs, but if I need to make an emergency payment it's simple to transfer money between the two accounts.
bflaminio t1_j6ngtkm wrote
Reply to Traditional Savings vs HYSA Savings by Tech_geek23
Do the math on how much you really will make at Ally vs Chase (based on how long you expect to keep money there and how much money you will be keeping on deposit). That will give you a fairly solid number with which you can decide if it is worth the convenience of having everything at Chase vs the extra money you would get at Ally.
bflaminio t1_j6e2nl9 wrote
Reply to comment by DedTV in Three seconds of audio could end up costing Fox $500,000 by blaspheminCapn
There was a local radio station near me that used the sound of screeching tires to announce their traffic (on the 8's) broadcast. Every time I thought there was some car careening into me.
Of course, I stopped listening to that station.
bflaminio t1_j21q9o6 wrote
The one I want to see is the Agents of SHIELD spinoff Most Wanted. Still hoping that one surfaces someday...
bflaminio t1_iy6v5dv wrote
Reply to comment by Yserbius in Do you remember most things between seasons? by JustForQuestions321
> Non-regular characters showing up mid-season and I'm supposed to know who this is.
For all its faults, She-Hulk subverted this beautifully. A character showed up that we were supposed to remember, and Jennifer calls it out to the audience and forces a "previously on..." segment.
bflaminio t1_iw0w8r7 wrote
Reply to Grandpa, 1941 before heading to Italy by Mentatminds
You may be the most badass soldier in the army, but when your daughter says "ride the tricycle", you ride the tricycle.
bflaminio t1_iu1r9tm wrote
Reply to What movie you saw has the longest length? by -Rhialto-
"1900" -- six-ish hours or so? There are longer movies, but that's the longest I've ever seen and sat through in a single viewing.
bflaminio OP t1_itdfouo wrote
Reply to comment by Knife2MeetYouToo in "Iron Chef Mexico" on Netflix might be the best Iron Chef show since the original Japanese by bflaminio
Like I said, watch the show. You are railing against a thing that the show is not.
bflaminio OP t1_itd2adl wrote
Reply to comment by Knife2MeetYouToo in "Iron Chef Mexico" on Netflix might be the best Iron Chef show since the original Japanese by bflaminio
With all due respect, you have absolutely no idea what you are writing about.
Watch the show, at least one episode, then come back and write your manifesto. You're way off.
bflaminio OP t1_ita8bz5 wrote
Reply to comment by sync303 in "Iron Chef Mexico" on Netflix might be the best Iron Chef show since the original Japanese by bflaminio
Submitted by bflaminio t3_yaandj in television
bflaminio t1_it3dg1a wrote
Reply to If You Could Apply Rings of Power Budget to Any IP Adaptation, What Would You Choose? by Any-Low9727
Kim Stanley Robinson's RGB Mars trilogy. I'd make a 10-episode series out of each book; 30 episodes total.
bflaminio t1_jefvvxj wrote
Reply to How to go about loaning to a friend by TooHonestImAfraid
> Needs 7k. Offered to pay back 1k per month for 10 months.
That's an absolutely usurious interest rate. No way would I charge that to a "friend", or even an enemy.
> Should I take a loan asking for $10.6k back after interest/fees (over 24 months) or use my emergency fund?
Neither. Don't borrow money to lend it out, and don't dip into your e-fund. If you don't have enough extra cash on hand to make this loan, don't do it.