bicyclecat t1_ivuvoxv wrote
Reply to comment by s0cks_nz in All Systems Red by Martha Wells by angryscout2
I identified Murderbot as agender but leaning feminine in presentation and voice. I listened to the audiobook after reading the first two and the male reader was a bit jarring.
bicyclecat t1_j0lf3m9 wrote
Reply to comment by Sean_Bean_Always_Die in [Super Curious] 🫠Why is British TV series short like every season holds up for 6 episodes max? by aparnasesha
There are over 6,000 episodes of EastEnders. Episode count doesn’t dictate budget either direction. The 22 episode US network model was about ad revenue but the real money was in making 100+ episodes so they could sell it into syndication. Many shows were produced pretty cheaply, and the few that became major hits and needed to pay actors a lot to keep them were the outliers. (And even then, the shows themselves were still pretty cheaply made. Friends was not blowing its budget on sets or visual effects.) Big budget TV like Game of Thrones is a new thing with streaming and they’re never 22 episode seasons.