I went bosh when the one that came with my house crapped out thinking I'll spend a little bit more and buy a good one in the last a long time. Then just after the warranty wore off my tween leaning her ass on the slight lip sticking out from the door had just enough weight on it that the door opened shifted her weight forward knocked her off her feet and all of her weight come landing down on the door which was now open. Broke the hinges and cracked the board in the front panel. Made up my mind that buy it for life isnt going to happen until after kids move out.
billythekid3300 t1_jbmu57f wrote
Reply to comment by chasonreddit in I realize it can never really be BIFL, but does anyone have a good recommendation for a dishwasher? by chasonreddit
I went bosh when the one that came with my house crapped out thinking I'll spend a little bit more and buy a good one in the last a long time. Then just after the warranty wore off my tween leaning her ass on the slight lip sticking out from the door had just enough weight on it that the door opened shifted her weight forward knocked her off her feet and all of her weight come landing down on the door which was now open. Broke the hinges and cracked the board in the front panel. Made up my mind that buy it for life isnt going to happen until after kids move out.