birdprom t1_jcclo7v wrote
Reply to comment by guimontag in I just saw a huge fight amongst two girls outside of Cambridge Public Library on Broadway by [deleted]
>They're really a bunch of idiotic fucks.
birdprom t1_jccl5pi wrote
Reply to comment by guimontag in I just saw a huge fight amongst two girls outside of Cambridge Public Library on Broadway by [deleted]
Doesn't make sense to judge them all based on the actions of a few.
birdprom t1_j6jbx4l wrote
Reply to comment by cmh413 in Husband Of MA Mom Accused Of Killing 3 Children Asks She Is Forgiven by cailinloesch
Your comment makes me so tired...I wish I had your energy. So mainly I'm not going to respond. But I just wanted to pull out what I feel is the most important bit, which is:
>3) humans naturally flock to their tribe (financially/social class, race, religion).
You're a bigot, and not worth my or anyone else's time. Have a nice day.
birdprom t1_j6j9qof wrote
Reply to comment by cmh413 in Husband Of MA Mom Accused Of Killing 3 Children Asks She Is Forgiven by cailinloesch
It would be equally as sad, yes. But would the GoFundMe be up to 900k? I'm guessing that was the point of the question.
birdprom t1_j6j5p55 wrote
Reply to comment by swoldier_force in Husband Of MA Mom Accused Of Killing 3 Children Asks She Is Forgiven by cailinloesch
You said exactly what I was going to say.
If we're doing the five stages of grief, this guy is clearly still in denial. Inevitably anger's going to make an appearance sooner or later though. Just a matter of time. My heart breaks for the guy.
birdprom t1_izt51qv wrote
The city will pick these items up for recycling. Schedule a mattress pickup here -
and clothing/textile pickup here -
There is also a collection bin for clothing and textile recycling at the corner of Broadway and Fayette St. (possibly other locations too but this is the only one I know of).
birdprom t1_iy5kru2 wrote
Veteran renter here - here's my somewhat random advice:
A month is enough time to find a place, as long as you're not extremely picky. But start looking the moment you are able. It is a competitive market.
There will be a lot of people looking for June 1, so if you see a place you like, snag it quickly, or else someone else will.
How much you can afford for rent depends on how much you'll spend in other ways. But on 120k, as long as you're not hugely financially irresponsible, you should be fine. Stay under 3k/month, at least. The further under, the better.
Not every place requires four months rent up front. Some leave off the last month's rent, or the security deposit. But you should plan to have at least three months ready if you're going to be working with a realtor (they take a month's worth for themselves, if the landlord doesn't cover it, which generally they don't).
Best of luck - hope it all works out for you.
birdprom t1_jcd4ci9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I just saw a huge fight amongst two girls outside of Cambridge Public Library on Broadway by [deleted]
Honestly, after thinking it through, I regret making it into a win/lose situation by posting what I did. The experience described by u/guimontag, where their dog was harassed, sounds truly horrible, and I completely understand why they were angry enough to post that comment.