
blablahblah t1_ja8u87o wrote

There's a bunch of different scores, some of them have different ranges. The standard FICO score ranges from 300-850, but there's a specialized FICO Bankcard score used for judging credit card applications that goes from 250 to 900. There's also separate scores for car loans and mortgages.


blablahblah t1_iujkory wrote

There's two problems:

  1. Insurance is paying most of the cost anyway so you're only saving the client a fraction of what you fight, so a fraction of that isn't going to be especially big compared to the effort you spend and
  2. Insurance plans have a max out of pocket so there's an upper bound on how much you can save any client. And if they hit the cap, you may have to fight thousands of dollars in charges before you can save your client a single penny.