Make sure to reach out to the bank to clarify what happened. What you got most likely was a temporary credit.
When you file a claim for fraud, there's an investigation and if it's determined you were the one who did the transaction, they will revert the temporary credit.
You may get lucky and the investigation may rule to your favour, but I wouldn't take my chances and spend the money refunded.
bleonr t1_iw40ytp wrote
Reply to TIFU by putting my debit card in my pocket by KornPuf
Make sure to reach out to the bank to clarify what happened. What you got most likely was a temporary credit.
When you file a claim for fraud, there's an investigation and if it's determined you were the one who did the transaction, they will revert the temporary credit.
You may get lucky and the investigation may rule to your favour, but I wouldn't take my chances and spend the money refunded.