
blueboot09 t1_jechzwq wrote

>"Why do you want to move out and waste money on rent, extra living expenses, etc instead of saving money for a down payment, etc?"

On a house I assume? Someone who is young and has flexibility can make moves and continue to increase pay and job position. Buying a house isn't the end all at this point, considering she's coming straight out of her parent's home. It has nothing to do with good relations w/parents. Socializing, networking, and being independent has value, especially at the beginning of a career. Get a small apt. or rent a room with another professional. Paying for a roof over your head and expenses isn't a waste of money. It's the next phase of life.


blueboot09 t1_j91d3yk wrote

The self-help, blanket statement mantra: "Other People's Opinions Are None of Your Business" is ridiculously simplistic and misleading.