
boarderline5152 t1_j8yl2f7 wrote

I moved to CA 20 years ago and lived and grew up in NH for 23 years and my first 5 years out here I loved that there was no snow and humidity as I'm on the ocean out here but after about 5 years I did start missing the snow and the humidity. I also miss the white mountains. Also Christmas just doesn't feel the same without snow. I do love all the sunny days but I also miss the thunder storms, as we almost never get them out here. I have family back there and visiting is always fun . I never realized how gorgeous NH really was especially in the winter cuz I grew up there nevermind the fall foliage.


boarderline5152 t1_iy5temo wrote

I'm sorry to hear about your situation as I'm in the exact situation you are only I'm living in CA. My rent went up 200$ last year and 231$ this year and we're dying to break our lease but it's going to be hard to get first,last and deposit. Rent is out of control everywhere it seems. I wish I had info for you but I'm curious as to what other redditors have to say also.