boomheadshot7 t1_iu4ne2u wrote
Reply to When people ask ‘gun to your head’ questions, we forget that getting shot is also an option. by farWorse
I hate people who, after engaging in the discussion with an opinion, refuse to answer hypothetical would you rather questions about the topic.
It’s like they can’t realize it’s not about the question, it’s about their answer. ‘Neither’ or ‘I’d rather die’ is just a puss out. It’s an either or question, you don’t get to weasel out of them when you don’t like the options.
boomheadshot7 t1_isuwies wrote
TIFU and nothing bad happened.
boomheadshot7 t1_jcwpkxf wrote
Reply to TIFU by telling my girlfriend she could use my computer cleaner to organize my spice rack, peppering us all. by [deleted]
The actual TIFU is your complete disregard of capitalization.
God that was a hard read.