
bucceIIati OP t1_iuddbh1 wrote

this is the most helpful yet, thank you! i do not have a car yet for multiple reasons, but mainly financially it would be an incredible burden on me to have that if i want to properly move out. i do plan on saving up as much as i could and i do not plan on working at walmart up there (since there’s none specifically where id move to, allston) and intend on finding a new job. working a service job isnt an issue for me and im preparing to work more than one. ive been looking into health insurance, EBT, etc. once im up there as well. im on medicaid here so i gotta see if i can transfer to a service up there and such. thank you still!! ill keep all this in mind :-]


bucceIIati OP t1_iud45q8 wrote

im aware as to how expensive it is, ive visited twice for a week and stayed with a family member that lived there. hes told me basically alot of what id need to do financially if i were to move in with him (and chances are i will) but im also looking for general tips in case i end up having to move on my own