
byfpe t1_j6e6crz wrote

Good answers. But worth highlithing that there is geo engineering or climate engineers that could actually modify some parameters in the environment. As an example, some countries are able to induce rain, by dissipating very fine particles in the sky (please dont think that plane contrails are involved!).
An issue is that we cant really understand full effect of implementing this regularly or at large scale. For example, you could make it rain in some regions, but how would this affect other regions, what damage could it result in in the environment, or how could it backlash. Lots of ethic questions involved.


byfpe t1_j6830qn wrote

There are many answers that can have different approaches. However i would say that we are not the only animal to pay. Bees, ants, etc need to work to sustain their queen, they pay with their work to be part of a group. Apes, lions and many other bigger animals also “pay” their respect to a hierarchy. If not, they are either pushed out of the group or even killed. In mating, many others as birds will need to provide gifts so that the other sex allows to mate.
So they are paying. Not with money as you might be referring to in the question, but there is some kind of transaction.


byfpe t1_j5bp1e9 wrote

The fact that you have a friend of X race does not fully tell how you treat other people from his race.
As a better example, a man can love and respect his mother r. However he can have a misogynist behaviour towards all other woman around him. He cannot justify that he is not a misogynist just because he treats his mother with respect.
Also, “friendship “ can have many meanings, levels or reasons. An office friend is not the same as a life long friend in general. You can be a friend of a single person of X race for a specific reason, or even just because you got used to his presence. But it might not be a “full” friendship from your heart. He could be more like a colleague for example. Or you think you are his friend because you treat him nice and help him, but you could be seeing him with a sense of superiority (you think you are better than him, so try to help him with some pity), and this could be because of race.
It could be even unconscious.

I might not be explaining much. But hope i give you some examples of why having a friend from X race is not a logical proof to say you are not racist.


byfpe t1_j4rrh0t wrote

Your logic is right. But note farms kill their birds quickly after the flu is detected, infected or healthy. They cannot test all birds, so there could potentially be some birds that got the virus before and survived, or inmune ones. But because of the risk involved all are killed.
So there is little time to actually have survivors.


byfpe t1_j3xvqf5 wrote

I imagine there are research farms for which immunity is a business and they are interested in “breeding” survivors. But for a commercial farm this wouldnt make economical sense.

In any case all these virus are like the human flu, you can catch them year after year because they mutate.

As someone else posted. Also note that many of these farms dont run the whole business cycle from egg to fully grown chicken. Some farms will be breeders, some will buy the small chicken and are just interested in growing it.