
c0ng0pr0 t1_ivbpz91 wrote

I jumped in with KZ’s 1.5 years ago… DQ6… I gave them to my apartment building’s super intendant. I couldn’t bring myself to give them to a friend.

ZAS & AST are fantastic especially now that I have a Qudelix 5K to EQ. The detail and sound experience is remarkable.

I’m ordering their AS16 Pro, because I think 8 BA’s will deliver the sound & detail I want. KZ’s dynamic drivers have too much bass for me. The AST is thick and has a bit too much mass to it. I can’t comfortably wear AST as long as my ZAS.

I’m going to check out the PR1 just to hear what their planar sounds like. I love what happens in the mids and high frequencies.

Logically speaking… there seems to be very little reason to spend over $200 for an IEM if you’re tuning/EQ’ing everything to the harmon line or some other particular setting.

If $30-80 hardware sounds the same as $1500 hardware tuned to the harmon line… there’s a weird value miss match.


c0ng0pr0 t1_ituro0j wrote

The question needs to start with your medium and source. My understanding is in the music industry there’s a lot of musicians producing music that plays louder because dumb people think more volume is more value or something. Some music producers refer to it as “the gain wars”. So depending on the genre and year of music release this maybe part of what you’re noticing.


c0ng0pr0 t1_is1vbtq wrote

I have similar injury in my left ear from being stuck in loud places without ear protection.

Listening to 136.1 hz for some reason sorta resets things for my ear. I stumbled across by accident as part of someone’s sound experiment.

I would be wearing sound protection in that ear a bit more to let it rest as much as possible. Avoid booze. It slows down all healing in your body.

See an audiologist or some kind of ear doctor.
