
c0y0t3_sly t1_iyomvrs wrote

Meanwhile I just saw that one of the County "Health Districts" in one of the deep red counties that was subject to a politically driven takeover during COVID just updated their guidance to encourage parents to send their kids to schools with RSV, mono, and a whole host of other communicable diseases because fuck it, germ theory is a scam or something.


c0y0t3_sly t1_itmdbdh wrote

The title sounds surprised that the Army doesn't care. Isn't the pretty much exactly why they picked that stretch of scrub, so they could do things like this in a stretch of ground nobody gave a shit about?

I'm not saying it's okay. But it doesn't seem surprising to me


c0y0t3_sly t1_irooaxq wrote

Bigger issue is that somehow it still isn't over. Fire are still burning, it's over 80 degrees everyday, and there's zero rain in the mountain forecast now out to almost Halloween.

It started slow, but it's lingering like I don't think I've ever seen it. I know contained fires will smolder until steady precipitation comes in, but that's not what this is right now.