caaarlyj t1_ja71iid wrote
Reply to comment by Ih8MyBrosWife in I found a bat in my pool. He’s very much alive. I set him in the sun to dry out away from my dog by Handicapreader
It’s the immunoglobulin that is weight dependent, and is usually injected as close as possible to the exposure site. Anyone who hasn’t had prior rabies vaccinations needs to be administered this.
If you’ve had the round of 3 vaccinations prior to exposure, you only need to do the 3 post exposure shots with no need for immunoglobulin.
So you’re absolutely right, 4 shots total but initial round is a series of shots to ensure the right amount of immunoglobulin.
caaarlyj t1_ja71ujh wrote
Reply to comment by No_Advantage9759 in I found a bat in my pool. He’s very much alive. I set him in the sun to dry out away from my dog by Handicapreader
This is super anecdotal though. The pain felt from the shots is dependent on the individual.
Immunoglobulin is also administered as close to the exposure site as possible, usually infiltrating directly into the wound, so they are absolutely correct.