For years, as a young man, I felt guilty for liking Holden Caulfield. I read criticism and opinions from people who hated the character and the book. I loved it and read it aloud with my wife not long after we were married. She liked the book as well. I have read criticism of characters that I have loved and love for characters that I’ve hated over the ensuing years. I still love Holden Caulfield. For whatever that’s worth. That’s just the way it goes.
cantrecallthelastone t1_ixt3r9b wrote
Reply to I love The Catcher in the Rye by zak_zman
For years, as a young man, I felt guilty for liking Holden Caulfield. I read criticism and opinions from people who hated the character and the book. I loved it and read it aloud with my wife not long after we were married. She liked the book as well. I have read criticism of characters that I have loved and love for characters that I’ve hated over the ensuing years. I still love Holden Caulfield. For whatever that’s worth. That’s just the way it goes.