Structural problems require structural solutions. I'm not gonna shame you for pulling back on your compassionate policy now that it's become unfeasible for you, but even that was a stop-gap.
Charity will not solve houselessness, or the multitude of other issues that afflict the unhoused. Richmond (like pretty much every other city in America) needs a comprehensive approach centering on housing-first.
For whatever it's worth, I hope those reading this recognize that point, rather than attributing this behavior to a simple moral failing and getting entrenched in resentment and dismissal of actual humans who exist day-to-day in some of the worst conditions imaginable in the developed world.
carbonfiberx t1_iu7tijl wrote
Reply to People suck (Begin rant) by CoffeePeddlerRVA
Structural problems require structural solutions. I'm not gonna shame you for pulling back on your compassionate policy now that it's become unfeasible for you, but even that was a stop-gap.
Charity will not solve houselessness, or the multitude of other issues that afflict the unhoused. Richmond (like pretty much every other city in America) needs a comprehensive approach centering on housing-first.
For whatever it's worth, I hope those reading this recognize that point, rather than attributing this behavior to a simple moral failing and getting entrenched in resentment and dismissal of actual humans who exist day-to-day in some of the worst conditions imaginable in the developed world.