
casus_bibi t1_je56zhu wrote

It is a lot easier to get overwhelmed with executive dysfunction, making disruptive (or disobedient) behavior more difficult to deal with. It's very easy to go from zero to 100 if a young child keeps up bad behavior, like loud screaming/singing/noise, or if the kid refuses to clean up their mess (this is already difficult with ED, then add the additional difficulty of time pressure and a child refusing to clean up their toys), if you already warned them and are running out of energy to compensate. It's also relatively easy to attribute malicious intent to the behavior, because you have already warned them that you can't handle it and the behavior continues.

It seems probable to me that these mothers are trying to somewhat protect themselves from being overstimulated and overwhelmed as non compliance can trigger panic attacks, meltdowns, and anxiety.

As they only tested this with mothers of young children, it's possible that this authoritarian parenting style will become less rigid as the child develops more empathy for the needs of their parents, and the domestic noise levels and neediness of the kids lessens.


casus_bibi t1_jdwf5n1 wrote

It isn't really cheap to build on swampy soil either. It requires months for soil/sand to set, digging requires constant pumping and anything build up requires piling to be stable. One tunnel in the Netherlands was postponed over 5 years because it kept filling with water, for example. The geography matters, but it is far more complex than orography alone.


casus_bibi t1_jduxtwu wrote

The human traffickers are. They just use worse boats and less diesel, load the boat up with hundreds of people who paid thousands per person to travel 20 miles off shore, barely out of Libya territorial waters, if that, to run out of diesel and be picked up by the 'rescuers' who take them the rest of the way, hundreds of miles, to Italy. The human traffickers do not give a fuck and see the rescuers as a system to use for their benefit.


casus_bibi t1_j9a2mch wrote

>without a point of failure

You want one with continuous metal for both the kettle and the handle? Really? Do you want to burn your palm skin off every time you use it? Any place where one material meets another is a potential failure point. The oldschool kettles have had wooden or bauxite handles for over a century because it makes sense.
