charleyismyhero t1_j6lizom wrote
Reply to Is there a reason why no director redo a movie (based on a book) that have already failed in box office ? by Otherwise-Revenue-44
Studios are like superstitious gamblers. If it failed once, it’s obviously cursed. Avoid it at all costs. If it succeeded once it will be a winner forever (until it isn’t). Rinse. Repeat.
charleyismyhero t1_j6lh4cf wrote
Reply to comment by Creeping_Death_89 in Garden State. And Zach in general. by BatmanMK1989
LMAO he killed his manic pixie dream girl.
charleyismyhero t1_j6lgpwk wrote
Reply to comment by elmatador12 in Question about The Menu ending by RollingKatamari
Don’t think too deeply. It’s a movie. You think too deeply you start to think, hey, if that guy wanted to make burgers he could have closed his insufferable art joint and flipped burgers, but he chose to serve entitled twits instead. What the hell is he moaning about. See?
charleyismyhero t1_j6dcyvt wrote
Reply to comment by satluvscheese in What are some great examples of horror movies hiding things in the background? by chazinabox
So waaaaaaay back in the old days when that movie came out on VHS my family had heard the rumor and rented it one weekend. We found the spot and spent hours rewinding and FFW around and debating it. Finally gave up after no consensus and went ahead and finished the movie, (where the true culprit is officially revealed). Man, that was a fun night though and a great memory.
charleyismyhero t1_j6d5jc4 wrote
Reply to comment by DrHem in Three similar movies, same source maybe? by honeyfixit
I guess it was silly of me to think Hollywood had an original idea for once lately.
charleyismyhero t1_j6bnr33 wrote
Reply to Let's talk about how Sinister is probably one of the scariest horror movies of all time by VeryBonelessPizza
I need to know if this is a troll because I watched the trailer and it looks hokey as all get out.
charleyismyhero t1_j6b33hz wrote
Reply to comment by toofarbyfar in has anyone walked out a movie due to a misleading opening? by LegoMong
I just watched this a few weeks ago and did the same thing (checked the stream to make sure I didn’t accidentally start a different film).
charleyismyhero t1_j697kbs wrote
Reply to comment by General_PoopyPants in Canadian low-budget horror film Skinamarink is incredible. But lower your expectations by BurstYourBubbles
I haven't seen it, but if this is the concept, they should just make it its own streaming channel that people can have on in the background. Like the horror version of a Yule Log. Horror fans would dig it.
charleyismyhero t1_j68khsj wrote
Reply to comment by Asha_Brea in Canadian low-budget horror film Skinamarink is incredible. But lower your expectations by BurstYourBubbles
“Skinamarink is a low-budget film.” Now we’re getting somewhere!
charleyismyhero t1_j61kue9 wrote
Reply to Science movies have gotten stale, nothing but tortured lone geniuses. The 90's was where an unreasonably hot scientist has a personal subplot while their main problem is doing the actual science thing, those were way more fun! by FranticPonE
Because damn near everything has to be edgy and bleak these days.
charleyismyhero t1_j5wqoug wrote
Modern action movies don’t really have plots. They’re more like following a video game walkthrough, just watching the player level up and defeat bosses.
charleyismyhero t1_j6pf22e wrote
Reply to comment by Frazzledsoul in Considering he was a big star on 90210 back during the 1990s, why do you think Luke Perry didn't develop a big career after he left the show ala say Johnny Depp who became a movie star after leaving his very own teen drama, 21 Jump Street? by KevTravels
Whenever stuff like this trends I assume some rando tiktok or podcast started it.