cheesynougats t1_ja9m0hw wrote
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cheesynougats t1_j8030fj wrote
Reply to comment by SirPiecemaker in [EU] In the 41st millennium, when the only thing preventing the demise of humanity against hostile forces is the Imperium of Man, there exists a secret, nearly forgotten department: the Imperium Anomaliae, also known as the SCP Foundation. by IAmOEreset
Wait, is that a response in 18 years, or just an acknowledgment they received the request in 18 years? An acknowledgement in 18 years is fast, but nothing incredibly surprising. An actual response in that time would be amazing.
cheesynougats t1_j28pz7a wrote
Reply to comment by BrainstormsBriefcase in ELI5: Alzheimer's is dementia, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's. So what is the difference? by degobrah
Thank you; I lost someone to Pick"s and don't really know much about it.
cheesynougats t1_j27rpqw wrote
Reply to comment by Tash11e in ELI5: Alzheimer's is dementia, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's. So what is the difference? by degobrah
Is Pick's disease considered a type of dementia?
cheesynougats t1_iy9iq3b wrote
Reply to comment by MyloRolfe in [WP] Your Significant Other has landed a book publishing deal! You're very proud of them, even if you don't actually enjoy their writing. One day, on a whim, you buy an actual copy in a book store. It's nothing like the pages they gave you to read. Nothing. by veriverd
I got more than a bit of In the Mouth of Madness vibe from this.
cheesynougats t1_itrd0pi wrote
The Thorazine in the water seems to be working.
cheesynougats t1_jc5ib8l wrote
Reply to comment by Zondartul in Is there a type of precipitation that exists on other planets but not ours? Or theoretical precipitation that doesn’t happen here? by ButIHateTheTaste
"water, acid, ash, and fish. "
Excuse me, what?