chem_daddy t1_j9pp0t9 wrote
Reply to comment by BamH1 in Striking Temple University graduate students overwhelming vote down proposed contract by diatriose
work:pay ratio isn’t worth it. Especially when medical school is like $250-$300K after 4 years without any interest just starting off
chem_daddy t1_j9pougq wrote
Reply to comment by PortalGunFun in Striking Temple University graduate students overwhelming vote down proposed contract by diatriose
residency pay is pretty shit, and senior docs still use the “well I had bad pay, so y’all should deal with it too” mentality
chem_daddy t1_j9lfrmm wrote
Reply to Striking Temple University graduate students overwhelming vote down proposed contract by diatriose
Temple U, and many other academic institutions, take huge advantage of these students. Penn does the same thing with academic research, especially when it comes to foreign medical graduates desperate to apply for residency.
I used to be so passionate about going into academic medicine, but it is a cesspool of politics, pressure to publish shit research, and underpaid labor. Private practice and industry for me all the way.
I think it‘s ridiculous how much academia likes to poo-poo anyone interested in private practice and industry. Sorry for wanted decent wages and not wanting to be a part of the “publish shit to meet quotas” rat race
chem_daddy t1_j9ppghr wrote
Reply to comment by kevlarbaboon in Striking Temple University graduate students overwhelming vote down proposed contract by diatriose
My bad.. sorry was on mobile last night and was getting my thoughts out after reading the article. meant to say how academia looks down on private practice and industry