chinawcswing t1_ja6lbtv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in All these recent comparisons to historic charts and other data on recessions and crashes - something more puzzling sticks out to me… by TheyPromisedMePie888
Why are you /r/antiwork types so opposed to stock buybacks, but not opposed at all to dividends?
chinawcswing t1_ix2jhtt wrote
Reply to comment by MannyFresh45 in To the ones that swing trade spy calls or puts or get massive huge gains by [deleted]
That's worse than randomly guessing.
chinawcswing OP t1_iu6cu49 wrote
Reply to comment by AlunWeaver in Is A Clockwork Orange difficult to read for Americans due to the dialect of English? by chinawcswing
I'm 3 chapters in. I suppose it is getting somewhat easier to read. I know "viddy" means to see for example.
But is the entire book just going to be about these kids committing violence? Is there any sort of character development, climax, plot twist?
chinawcswing OP t1_iu0n5or wrote
Reply to comment by TheZigRat in Is A Clockwork Orange difficult to read for Americans due to the dialect of English? by chinawcswing
While I found Dune difficult to read, it was mostly due to how much information was packed into each paragraph and how Herbert would drop major concepts without any context. I re-read all the dune books twice and on the second re-read it was simple to understand.
A Clockwork Orange is a bit different to me because I can't understand most of the words so far.
chinawcswing OP t1_is4e1ud wrote
Reply to comment by Funkasaurousrex in Non-Insulated Apartments and Dual-Hose Portable Air Conditioners by chinawcswing
What happens if you have on insulation in your house? Does a dual hose help any more than a single hose?
chinawcswing OP t1_is3tnil wrote
Reply to comment by Muncie4 in Non-Insulated Apartments and Dual-Hose Portable Air Conditioners by chinawcswing
Will a dual hose be better than a single hose if you have no insulation?
chinawcswing OP t1_is1apdr wrote
Reply to comment by Gah_Duma in Non-Insulated Apartments and Dual-Hose Portable Air Conditioners by chinawcswing
Ya, I've had two of these units break in the last two years.
Unfortunately my apartment only has horizontal sliding windows and I have zero handyman skills.
chinawcswing t1_ja96wta wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in All these recent comparisons to historic charts and other data on recessions and crashes - something more puzzling sticks out to me… by TheyPromisedMePie888
It's not a fact though, it is wrong.
There is nothing different about a stock buyback and a dividend payout. Both exist to return excess cash to shareholders.
Companies are not doing stock buybacks to "enrich CEOs". They do them for the same reason they do dividends, which is to enrich shareholders. Rather they are returning excess cash to shareholders, and shareholders turn around and invest that cash into other companies who can invest it more profitably.
Yes, CEOs often are big shareholders. But they in almost all cases are not the majority shareholder.
The reason companies prefer stock buybacks compared to dividends is that it is more tax efficient.
That is why Biden and the /r/antiwork crowd complain about stock buybacks, but not dividend payments. The government gets a larger chunk from dividend payments, compared to stock buy backs.
Even if your theory that stock buybacks exist to enrich the CEO were correct, what do you think companies would do in the absence of such a mechanism? First off they would do a dividend. If you banned that too, they would just ... increase the salary of the CEO.