
chocki305 t1_j6ht97w wrote

This is something I feel is accurate.

I have yet to find a reason to use the mouse when dealing with text in a windows based environment.

If you know the keyboard shortcuts, it takes longer to reach over and grab the mouse thn it does to hit. Alt f x


chocki305 t1_iy4wplc wrote

I bet you don't look at replys before commenting.

Born and raised Chi town. To claim it isnt run by corruption, is laughable.

We currently have an alderman who is under indictment, and is still running for reelection. We re elected a convicted alderman for fucks sake.


chocki305 t1_iscg1xj wrote

Reply to comment by 914paul in Trimming hardened linear shafts by Patex_

> I get the sense you feel your trade was undervalued

Not at all. It is more of a "right tool for the right job".. or as they say... application is everything. No sense using a highly precise cutting method when a saw will do.

My issues are more with this DIY sub then anything. I feel that many don't like a professional giving advice, or commenting on what is inaccurate.. despite many posts using professional equipment and then claiming it is DIY.

I wouldn't post what I do at work here, because it isn't fit for this sub. I am a professional using specialized tools and equipment. Despite me "doing it myself". But if I did an at home fix, where I didn't use my $100k+ machinery and tools, that would be fitting for this sub. And from what I have noticed, people want to make themselves look professional despite not being.. as if saying "yeah, I'm not a pro" is a bad thing.

Edit: I can honestly say our interaction.. has been the best I have had on this sub. I normally get a very negative reaction / attitude because I know what I am doing when it comes to metal work. I suck at wood, and am not afraid to admit it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


chocki305 t1_isc4k75 wrote

Reply to comment by 914paul in Trimming hardened linear shafts by Patex_

I do wire EDM. As well as ProtoTrak milling. (ProtoTrak is kinda a half way between manual mill and CNC)

Sinker EDM functions on the same principle. And EDM drilling is just sinker with a round electrode. But allows for a smaller machine.

(all measurements are in imperial, as it is what I am use to)

Punch and dies are the bread and butter of EDM because of the level of precision. Normal machining, you deal with +/- .005.. good manual mill guys can hold .001. With an EDM you can hold .0001.

When I was taught, we made Punch and Die sets out of the same block using a very small wire .002 wire. One cut, and you have both parts ready to roll. But a pain in the ass to actually set up. As everything has to be perfectly straight.. as in less then a tenth of a thousands run out over 6 inches.

I would consider EDM way above any DIY work. It is akin to the posts you see on here where someone DIY a part using a half million dollar CNC mill with thousands of dollars in tooling. Nothing that I would expect from an at home DIY.

On average, I spend at least 30 minutes doing setup (mounting the part and stops on the machine table), and then another 30 minutes writing the program. So it feels like a big waste of time when the job is 1 part, and only takes 10 minutes to cut. But the customer pays for all that time.


chocki305 t1_isbnefz wrote

Reply to comment by 914paul in Trimming hardened linear shafts by Patex_

> Or wire EDM.

As an EDM operator... thanks for the laugh.

It isn't cost effective unless you require precision length. It would be about $100+ to cut something like that.

Use an air powered cut off wheel and run water over the cut. Cheap, easy, just make sure to oil the tool before and after.