chrischi3 t1_jdidygm wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why does "turning it off and on again" work so well for troubleshooting? by WillShelbyOBE
Simply put, there are constantly numerous processes running in the background on your computer that you probably aren't aware of. All of them constantly use your computer's memory to some extent. They read and write stuff in your computer.
Now, there are two types of memory on your computer, volatile, and non-volatile. Volatile memory gets deleted when you reboot your computer whereas non-volatile stays in place.
Generally speaking, your computer has two types of memory, ROM, which is your long term storage (though the term ROM, which is short for read only memory, is kind of inaccurate, as it implies that you can only read what is stored, but not write to storage, or in other words, you can access the file, but not modify it), and RAM, or random access memory, which is your working memory.
Now, ROM is always non-volatile, but RAM isn't. RAM is, however, faster than ROM, which is why both types are used. Sometimes, what you need is the ability to read and write quickly rather than the ability to store a file long term.
What's any of this have to do with these processes running in the background? Well, as they run, they may store data in your RAM that just doesn't get deleted. Afterall, even the most avid PC users rarely let their PC run continuously for more than maybe 12 hours, so leaving some files undeleted in a place that gets reset anyway after a few hours isn't a big deal.
However, in the odd situation where this does break something, you can just reboot your PC and that solves it. Same thing with many other software programs. They store various types of settings in RAM. Often times, these are settings are things you're not even aware exist, because they run in the background, without your computer ever letting you know they exist in the first place. If something goes awry, restarting the computer will often fix it for the same reason.
chrischi3 t1_j6mg17k wrote
Reply to Why do you hate EA in 2023? by LegendaryJohnny
EA has much improved in terms of quality, no denying that one. In fact, Fallen Order was the first EA game i bought in a decade. However, one thing that's always bugged me about EA is their entire "Fuck the customer" mentality. And this isn't even related to just their shitty annual reskins, either.
Remember when they released Battlefront 2 and the microtransactions were so bad, it caused several countries to consider legally declaring this shit gambling, and it was only at the threat of that that EA decided to reduce the amount of microtransactions? Not only that, they promised their shareholders that this wouldn't affect their income negatively, meaning one of two things is true.
Either, they don't actually need these microtransactions, and just put them in out of corporate greed, or they decided to cut their own income or spending in order to keep shareholders happy. Which of these sounds more like EA to you?
And it's not just Battlefront, either. EA is notorious for this kind of overcapitalization of games that are essentially just reskins of stuff they already released. And it's also not just microtransactions. EA is just as notorious for not giving a damn about legitimate customer concerns in general.
That said, i don't buy many AAA titles in general, so i'm not sure how bad it is with their newer releases, or for that matter, how much worse they are than everyone else on the AAA market right now.
Also, i should mention, there's only very few big budget developers out there who are actually making good games right now. Most AAA developers have been making the same uninspired reskins for the last 5-10 years by now, and the occasional remake doesn't change that. In fact, the fact that you listed 2 remasters in your list of good games EA made this past year kind of just proves my point. (also, NFS Heat, or in general, all the new NFS games, aren't exactly the type of product i'd put on that list to begin with). They never make anything new. All they care for nowadays is how they can get you to pay even more for their 60 dollar game. Playing your average AAA title, you can tell it was made without any love and only profit in mind.
At the same time, you get small developers, sometimes as small as a single guy in his bedroom, producing one award winning game after the other. Sure, the average indie game lacks the graphics that the average AAA game has, but when was the last time you played a AAA game that actually felt like something new, or even just something old, but reimagined and reforged, rather than just being the same shit you bought last year, but with slightly improved graphics?
chrischi3 t1_j67oq01 wrote
Reply to ELI5: Is aluminum common enough that it’s not a concern, or are we just really good at recycling it? by RestrictedCervical
Yes. For one thing, aluminium is one of the most common elements on Earth. Secondly, while it's a lot of effort to refine (In fact, before the industrial revolution, it was so expensive that Napoleon had aluminium tableware to flex on everyone who could only afford gold), aluminium, like most metals, can just be melted down and reused.
chrischi3 t1_j20sczl wrote
Well, the problem is not so much the fat itself as it is the consequences of the fat for your body.
For instance, at some point it may start and collect in your arteries, which is bad news if they ever get clogged to the point that no blood is flowing. This is called an infarction (which can happen anywhere in your body, not just the heart) and can cause tissue damage.
If this happens in, say, your leg, that may cause permanent pain as well as motor issues (as some of the muscle tissue that would be supplied by the blood vessel in question may die off as a result, thus restricting your movement), but if it happens in the heart, this can easily kill you.
Being overweight also causes all sorts of other complications, such as high blood pressure, shortness of breath, and increased risk of cancer, just to name a few. In general, there are all sorts of health risks associated with being overweight.
chrischi3 t1_iycwyte wrote
Reply to comment by xyzerb in Please excuse dirty Mario's awful socks by xyzerb
Though honestly it varies what exactly i use, usually i'll just smear brackets all over the page to help me understand whatever the hell i have infront of me, even if the bracket wouldn't make a difference in the calculation (especially useful in physics class once you get to the point where calculating something turns into a giant block of formulas)
chrischi3 t1_iycvptl wrote
Reply to Please excuse dirty Mario's awful socks by xyzerb
I might be dumb but isn't this exactly how you're supposed to do it? At least that's how i learned it in school.
chrischi3 t1_iy85wyl wrote
Reply to Artemis 1 at its furthest point in its moon orbit, about 268,000 miles from earth. by kjpmi
To think there might be humans aboard one of those in a few years...
chrischi3 t1_je8ph6i wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: Then or than by National_Edges
> (I'm a grammar nazi not a troll.)
Funny thing to say for someone who can't spell exercise right.