croatiancroc t1_j3k0wap wrote
Reply to comment by Numerous-Afternoon89 in TIL Pluto hasn't completed an orbit around the sun since its discovery. Pluto's orbit takes about 248 years, and Pluto was discovered in 1930. by irbinator
Was that game of thrones 🙂
croatiancroc t1_itj6nn6 wrote
Reply to comment by Defiant-Giraffe in Bananarama may not have been one of the most successful bands of the 1980s, but it certainly was one of the most 80s bands of the 1980s. by L0st_in_the_Stars
You need to wait at least nine more years.
croatiancroc t1_jb1kio5 wrote
Reply to comment by Urc0mp in Apple could release an M3-powered iMac as early as the second half of 2023 | Engadget by bledik
Apple will release an M8 power iMac as early as the second half of 2028.