
ctaetcsh t1_iy4ebti wrote

If there is an SSL certificate in there then yes it would allow the school IT department to monitor HTTPS traffic. However, as a VPN encrypts your traffic, they wouldn’t be able to monitor it.

As for why, many areas have laws requiring schools to filter internet traffic. Many of these systems have block pages that tell you why the page you tried to access was blocked. However, because of HTTPS, these block pages cause the browser to throw an HTTPS error because the certificate it received was invalid. Adding this cert will allow the block page to show without an error (but thats speculation on my part). I use NextDNS for personal filtering of ad domains and the like and because I have a block page enabled, I need to install their certificate so it shows up without an HTTPS error.


ctaetcsh t1_iwydqzc wrote

I asked that on my phone and got “There are no accessories that support that” with a button to open the Home app. I suppose that makes sense but also can’t think of a homekit accessory that would need charging and do it in a way where youd have to ask Siri to find out if it is.