
currentpattern t1_jbud1qy wrote

Seen that movie a thousand times but just now realized that Luke never slept on the night that R2 ran away. And how inevitable it was that the Imperials would track the droids to the sandcrawler, and then to the Lars homestead. Only surprised they didn't get there sooner.

Also, Obi-wan's comment that "we were made to think" the sand people did this. Seems doubtful that the empire would give a shit about disguising their slaughter as the act of sand people. How/why did the Imperials forge batha tracks?


currentpattern t1_j575ja4 wrote

It would be nonsense to posit that "AGI" means it's a system that "understands/knows" language, in this case. What these projections seem to be saying is that around 2027, we're likely to have systems that are just as capable as humans at utilizing language. I.e., Chinese Rooms that are indistinguishable from humans in regards to language use.


currentpattern t1_ixg836x wrote

Who made this? I've been wanting to make a game like this, but essentially just using google maps as a Virtual Tabletop for RPGs. Imagine this but you can just place figurines around on maps (3d view would be better), have a grid, and measuring tool.

I thought the google maps API wasn't allowing people to use maps like this anymore!


currentpattern t1_irtitou wrote

That wasn't exactly my question. My question is specifically, how can we/I invest in the "emerging climate tech sector" that will, according to this article, enjoy an 8.8% growth over the next five years?