
damp_s t1_j6pi91q wrote

It’s possible, if you lived for a year or two in a 15-20m population city then moved on to a different massive population city in the you’d probably be pushing towards having walked past a few million people after a decade or so

80 million people would have to be a lifetime of it though


damp_s t1_iuk4gyb wrote

Presumably the POV of this is in the sentence that states that testing for tumours that are benign implies that earlier testing will lead to maybes so specific testing will be ordered and therefore there’s more “traffic” in the system and x% of these will be benign and these people will prevent the rest of patients being seen as soon?


damp_s t1_itqakpn wrote

I don’t think it’s that uncommon for people to use the medical treatments they develop. Anecdotally a family friend of mine ended up using a cancer treatment he helped develop decades earlier