
david4069 t1_j4z3x2m wrote

> or plane (only in winter). It can only be accessed by plane in the winter because the straight between the Diomede islands ices over and a plane can use that as a runway. Otherwise there isn’t a runway on Little Diomede.

It's been many years since they were able to do that. Now it's all helicopter.

> Wales also happens to be the westernmost part of the U.S.

Perhaps the westernmost part of the continental US, but there are many occupied places further west, such as Diomede, Saint Lawrence Island, and the western parts of the Aleutians.


david4069 t1_j2exzv1 wrote

And they couldn't say "truck".

Edit: Not sure why the downvote, but in the American versions I've heard, the crows say "car" with a Boston accent, and the punchline goes: They discovered that the lookout crow could say "Cah", but he could not say "Truck."

That's what I was trying to add to the post I replied to, since the word "lorry" isn't really used here.


david4069 t1_j2eqdm9 wrote

>A launch is never a failure, only a failure to launch, especially on new hardware.

An unsuccessful launch would absolutely be a failure if you don't learn something from it.

I get what you're trying to say, but I think if you worded it a bit differently, more people would have been able to get it too.

I don't have enough info to comment on the other statement.

Edit: Just realized this thread was from 3 days ago.


david4069 t1_ivzv7hd wrote

Weird how your memories of an event burned into your mind like that can be so clear and still be wrong. More proof about how eyewitness testimony is crap in many cases.

Thanks for the correction on the specific phrasing. I guess the most important part was the "major malfunction" part for the point I was trying to make, but I appreciate you finding the exact quote.