
david707x t1_j3qgzi3 wrote

Mr White had already made a mistake. It was right there, in his book even, he writes there are 3 kinds of criminal. When caught a criminal will either confess, attempt to kill him, or very rarely commit suicide. That, is where Mr White is wrong, I think to myself sitting comfortably in my mansion as I sip my wine and down a painkiller.

I am what some would call a criminal, but I view myself more of an opportunist. Mr White took down the previous drugs ring and there was simply a gap in the market you see. And I was careful and calculated, always keeping myself distant. No direct links, no direct evidence, always at least one trusted middle man.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before that mastermind pieced together the puzzle and there was a ring on my doorbell.

"Ah, Mr White, what a pleasant surprise, please come in, please, have a seat" I say guiding him to a leather sofa.

"Mr Black, let's not play games here, I know it's you" he replies as he sits.

"Oh please, I'd love to hear how you solved yet another case!" I reply.

And so Mr White starts his long monologue, filled with pride, smug smile on his face, that won't last long.

"... and that's what lead me here" he finally finishes.

I do a slow clap with my hands.

"and you think any of this will stand up in court?" I have the best defence lawyer in the country. You will need to add a fourth type to your book" I reply with a grin.

"well..." he says, pouring two beers. "it'll be a good excuse for a second edition" he replies, sitting and passing me one of the beers.

"ah! a bit money motivated! I knew it!" I reply.

"You know what? Before the court battle, let's enjoy the evening. I spend so much time with boring simpletons, I'd love to discuss things with a fellow mastermind" he replies.

Of course, I accept. We spend the evening discussing past cases, downing drink after drink, talking philosophy and whatnot.

"Allow me a brief trip to the gents" I say, standing unstably.

"You know... that sexy barmaid, she taught me how to make a cocktail called the bloody murder, shall I shake us up two?" Mr White asks, starting to slur his words.

"Good luck with those shaky hands!" I reply looking at his hands shake in his tell-tale white gloves, as I excuse myself.

When I arrive our cocktails are at opposite sides of the chess table.

"I guess you'll play White?" I ask with a grin and smile.

"Actually..." he says, rotating the board "let's turn the tables" he replies.

"Time to see who is truly the greatest mastermind" I state, pushing a pawn two spaces forward.

"I think you'd make a great criminal" I say sometime later as he ruthlessly takes another of my pieces. I respond with a revenge capture.

"You know, I do have a bit of a confession..." he starts.

"Oh, go on!" I say excited.

"Sometimes I think about how I could kill people and get away with it. For example if someone was an alcoholic and took pain meds, I could encourage them to drink excessively and then mix all their pain meds into a deadly cocktail. 56 minutes later, their heart suddenly fails and the police rule deliberate overdose." he replies.

"Ah, fascinating! I knew you had it in you Mr White!" I reply.

"Checkmate" he states positioning his protected queen next my king.

"well played, well I guess we call it a night here" I state.

"56 minutes" he replies, looking pointedly at his watch, my empty cocktail and then me.

My eyes open wide and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I step towards my phone, but fall to the ground.

"Three types" Mr white sternly states as my vision fades to black.