
davidreiss666 t1_j9986fw wrote

He was even a good President back in the day. He took a lot of shit because the economy took a nose dive and then the Iran Hostage crisis happened. But those responsible for the economy were Nixon and Ford. And when it came to Iran, Carter basically waited the Iranians out. He wanted the Hostages released. if he has nuked Tehran, he would have become super popular. But instead he waited them out and let the Iranians release the hostages eventually. Because he just waited them out, a lot of Americans thought that made the US look week. But the hostages came home. Which is what Carter wanted.

If Carter had killed five million Iranians with nuclear attacks and gotten all the hostages killed, people would have thought that looked strong and reelected him in 1980 by a giant landslide. Thank god Carter didn't do that.


davidreiss666 t1_j6llsij wrote

I was coming into the thread to mention American Graffiti. Ron Howard and Cindy Williams were both excellent in that movie. They both ended up in Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley respectively because they were in the more serious movie before hand.

Most people today remember it as the thing George made before Star Wars. When... well, it was a very serious movie in it's own right. It's more than the movie about high school kids that the rich guy made before Star Wars. In a lot of ways, his career would have been very different if he made more films like it instead of Star Wars.

But if you need a connection to Star Wars to watch it, Harrison Ford was also in America Graffiti, kids. It really is worth a watch.


davidreiss666 t1_j6f24og wrote

Anyone who has to present a strong family picture to tell me about the news is somebody I DON'T WANT to hear from when it comes to the news. For the very fact that they have supposedly strong family values is what makes them incapable of presenting the news balanced fairly and accurately. All it makes them is stooges for right wing Republican bullshit. It makes them the enemy of all truly morality. Family values is and always and forever will be total bullshit!


davidreiss666 t1_j2csgqp wrote

Because a lot of businesses order their employees to show up at work regardless of weather it's safe to drive. They will even tell the people that work for them to break rules against driving bans and show up at work or get fired. After a while, they don't need to make the threat, as everyone just assumes the threat will be made again if they ask.

We call this economic system Freedom somehow. Free Market Race to the bottom basically.


davidreiss666 t1_iwohil1 wrote

You're 100% correct.

A lot more of these people need to be in prison for life. 23 hours in their prison cell, and one hour for exercise while alone. No air conditioning, no television, no computers, very few visitors, etc. But their white, so they basically are all being allowed to plead to lesser charges.

These people are scum. I have more trust for Mexican cartel criminals than these terrorists. But they are all getting handled with kid gloves.


davidreiss666 t1_iwcibwy wrote

All the people out here who "poo-poo the police" as your phrase it really like good police officers who police well. The problem are the idiotic police who purposely fuck it all up in order to act like a real-man or something stupid like that.

In the United States, we pay more for police forces to do poor jobs policing the people. All so the police themselves can get paid less than police in similar nations.

In the US they pay for expensive equipment like riot gear, tanks, airplanes that can literally drop bombs on the populace, etc. While the police here get very little training in comparison to those in other countries similar to the United States. The average police officer gets just 26 weeks of training in the USA. While the average police office in Germany gets 120 weeks of training. They literally spending more time on how to properly de-escalate violate encounters in Germany than American police get in ALL their training. And the resulting German police officers gets paid more on average than American police get paid.

So, not only do the department budgets spend less money on policing in Western Europe, they also pay their office-forces more money to be police. So, the officers feel better cause they are more highly paid in Western Europe, and they get more training. So the results are better in that they have fewer violent encounters with the average citizens. Which means the police there are just all around safer.

But it means that police are monitored and expected to not become violent thugs who just beat people for shits and giggles. So, the American police don't want to get paid more or get more training. They like a system that allows for them to go insane and just beat the shit out of old grandmothers because they think the 89 year old lady disrespected them. That's the fucked up American police culture we live under.


davidreiss666 t1_ivpu98t wrote

Sadly, you are being a reasonable person when reading and thinking about what words mean. You are, sadly, not a sitting members of the Supreme Court of the United States. This is how -- believe it or not -- qualified immunity works according to the Supremes.

(1) There has to have been a court ruling that declared X to be wrong or illegal for police to do something before Qualified Immunity was created out of nothingness in 1969.

(2) If no such ruling existed before 1969, then it's OK for police to do X. Not matter what.

(3) Believe it or not, the High Court has declared that (2) holds even in cases where the X-action was so fucking crazy that of course nobody had to bring a court case about it before 1969. So, while it was assumed before 1969 that these crazy things were not allowed, there is no court case that specifically declares it to be illegal for the police to do it.

(4) Now you are going to love this point, see point #3... well, because of how this all works, the lower courts (meaning all courts other the Supremes themselves) are FORBIDDEN for declaring that crazy action in #3 to be illegal or wrong for police to do. Even appeals courts can't do that. The Nine Supremes have only allowed this power to themselves, and in all the years since they created qualified immunity they have NEVER used this power. So, anything not forbidden to police before 1969 is allowed to be done by them until the day comes when the Supreme Court starts to fix the qualified immunity crazy.

Oh... and one last thing. Qualified Immunity is so fucking crazy, that the Supreme Court has declared that FAKE Police (literally people illegally impersonating police officers) are protected by qualified immunity. If you believe they were police, then they have Qualified Immunity. Even if later it turned out they were mob hit men sent to murder you by shoving you into a wood chipper. That's how fucking crazy Qualified Immunity has gotten.

QI does not make sense. Only the Supreme Court is made up of idiots. So that's why we find ourselves in this crazy fucking place.


davidreiss666 t1_iu52va1 wrote

There is some discussion in the Commonwealth on removing Charles at the next meeting of Commonwealth nations and instead appointing somebody else entirely. Somebody who has real live experience at diplomacy and who would make more sense as the Head of the Commonwealth. The majority of them, being Republics, literally don't give a shit about Bonnie Prince Charlie who accidentally became a King because mummy tripped and died.


davidreiss666 t1_iu2pj5b wrote

Just for the record, the Head of the Commonwealth is the Head of the Commonwealth. All capital letters. As the official title of the Head of the Commonwealth is literally "Head of the Commonwealth". Not "Monarch of the United Kingdom" or any other country. The fact that the Head of the Commonwealth has always been the King or Queen of the UK is just an accident of titling now. The reason the title for the Head of the Commonwealth is such a weird thing is that several -- a majority of the Commonwealth nations even -- are not monarchies. Only 16 of the 56 Commonwealth realms are monarchies now a days. The majority of the Commonwealth realms are REPUBLICS.