
t1_islsy28 wrote

Hey thank you so much for this valuable insight! I really appreciate that you took the time to tell me (all of us) about that. I will have to look into this. There is no real family history here but I’m still curious… and as far as criteria… is that what would qualify? A family history of some kind?


t1_iskooxn wrote

Funny story. Coworker is mega maga antivax. Started out as just antivax a few years before the trump bullshit came along to accompany that stupidity. Anyway her main reason for skipping vaccines (Even though she herself was fully vaccinated/PROTECTED as a child…) was the fear of her child becoming autistic. Well… 7 years and no-vaxes later and he is very, very autistic. It just goes to show ya 🤷‍♀️